Monday, December 19, 2011

Words to an Uncle

Not until now have I realized what it's like to feel what it's like to truly lose someone close to you. And I ask you from the bottom of my heart to never complain about someone complaining about what they're going through. Always be willing to extend a helping hand to someone you think may need it. You never know they're story until you take the time to get to know them and their story. I ask you live every day like it's your last and to never take a single thing you've achieved or been given for granted. You could lose it all in the blink of an eye. Life is a gift, and sometimes its taken much too soon. All you can do is live your life in the way that brings you true happiness. Spread as much love and compassion for as many people as you can as much as you can. Be generous with your wealth, whether it be knowledge, physical currency or love. I plan to live my life like this. I hope you can find it in yourselves to do the same. Thank you Uncle Shawn, for teaching me this. It's unfortunate that your untimely death made me seriously consider these lessons. You will be missed by many, and your legacy will live on through the people you've touched. Rest in peace Shawn. Peace&Love.

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